



Cheerful and Precious Moments in Pictures

Welcome to K-Studio, we set up in 2007.  We are a unique and creative portrait photography studio specializes in providing baby, child, family, pregnancy, graduation, pre-wedding couples portraits, commercial products, school and group events photography service

Our photographer is professional with over 15-year experience. He strives to capture the essence of people at key times in their lives in order to provide precious and sweet memories for themselves

Many different kinds of costumes/props are provided for babies and kids.  All our costumes/props are disinfected after use every time.  

We provide local and overseas pre-wedding photography service (eg Macau, Korea and Japan etc).  Customers can choose our Hong Kong or Overseas professional photographer in keeping their sweet and unforgettable memories. 

Besides, we provide all high resolution photos without any hidden cost.  All photos have basic photo retouching e.g. professional cutting and basic color and light tuning included.

Our photo-sessions are full of enjoyment. Everyone, especially the kids love their time with us. Having fun with us and capturing those precious moments together, is what makes our job so special. 


K-Studio 成立於2007 年, 我們雖則沒有明星代言人, 但擁有資深的攝影師 - Gary Wong,以專業及創意手法,善長拍攝各類攝影,如小朋友、家庭、孕婦、畢業、個人、本地及海外婚妙攝影、宴會、商業產品、學校及團體活動等,絕對是專業信心保證!

在小朋友造型方面,我們備有多款攝影主題造型可供選擇,例如可愛小天使、不同趣致動物/昆蟲造型、小公主、小王子、鋼琴家、搖滾鼓手、賽車手等, 而所有服飾/道具,每次使用後均經消毒,確保清潔衛生。



所有相片包基本執相,如專業剪裁及基本調色光服務, 而數碼檔案均是高清 JPG 檔案, 絕無隱藏附加費,明碼實價,令每位客人消費有預算。





  Keeping Happy Memories for your beloved...